First off, Allissa, a second year civil engineering student, spoke about her experience applying for scholarships. She spent only three hours applying for as many scholarships as possible and was offered two, which shows just how easy applying for scholarships can be. Allissa was one of the two recipients of the 2012 WJ and LM Sinclair Scholarship, worth $50,000 each.
I spoke about some of the innovative engineering designs of the 20th century, such as the Stratosphere Tower roller coaster in LA and the Magdeburg Water Bridge in Germany, to show the girls how interesting engineering can be. We showed a video featuring Bill Gates, Mark Zuckeberg and Will I Am, explaining what coding is and how amazing jobs in IT are. Then Julia gave an inspiring speech about why she chose to study IT at UTS, the opportunities it's opened up for her and the advantages of being your own person. Julia was the only girl in her IT class the year before and implored the listening students to consider IST as a subject for years 11 and 12. She was also one of the recipients of the BIT co-op scholarships for 2013. Second round applications for these scholarships are opening on the 1st August and there are still plenty of places left.
Thanks go to Davidson High School for hosting us, we look forward to visiting again soon and hope to see some of your graduates joining the Faculty of Engineering and IT at UTS in 2014.