PolyMet Open House

On May 29th, three IRE student interns attended an open house hosted by PolyMet Mining at the Hoyt  Lakes Arena, a few miles from the site of their operation.  The company is looking to establish the first nonferrous mining operation in the state, and is into the draft supplemental environmental impact statement phase of its permit application process.

                  PolyMet offered visitors four ninety-minute presentations:
·      Jobs and training
·      Vendors, contractors, and labor update
·      Investor perspectives
·      Myth busting

In addition to these presentations, PolyMet set up several stations pertaining to specific segments of their operation on the ice rink.  Visitors were encouraged to ask questions and take literature from these booths.  Local community colleges were also in attendance with booths set up. The IRE student interns also managed a booth and disseminated information regarding the curriculum to interested visitors.

The student interns found the plant and grounds tour to be the most interesting.  It highlighted which buildings would be retrofitted, which would be demolished, and even included a stop inside the old LTV crusher.

If this open house reflects any indication regarding the quality and character of PolyMet’s operations, our natural resources, environment, and the local communities are in good hands.

Proof Read By: Korpi and Kylie Harer
