MAX Scholarship

Iron Range Engineering (IRE) is a program within Minnesota State University Mankato (MNSU).  Therefore, students at IRE are also students at Mankato and qualify for all privileges and benefits MNSU students are eligible for.  This includes a wide variety of scholarships.  One in particular is the MAX (Mentored Academic Experience) Scholarship. 

This scholarship is funded by the National Science Foundation.  Any students who are in biology, chemistry, computer science, information technology, engineering, physics, or mathematics majors can apply.

The benefits of becoming a MAX scholar are
  • ·      $5000 for up to three years
  • ·      Students are still eligible for other financial aid programs
  • ·      Networking
  • ·      Job preparation, resume work shops, and a resume builder
  • ·      Promotes professional development and individual growth
  • ·      Access to faculty and students in interdisciplinary fields

There are a variety of things expected of the students:
  • ·      Attend weekly seminars
  • ·      Maintain a 3.0 GPA (need a 2.5 GPA to apply)
  • ·      Must be a full time student

A large part of the MAX scholarship is diversity.  To receive the scholarship students must write a one page paper stating how they will add to the diversity of the group.  Special consideration is given to nontraditional students and transfer students. 

To learn more about this scholarship or for information on how to apply visit

By: Kali O'Brien and Katherine Marking