Century College Recruiting

Tim Grebner (Century College Engineering Department Head) expressed interest in providing students with options for further education beyond Century College.  Thus, he offered opportunity for representatives of IRE to present information to students regarding its’ program structure. On October 24th IRE director Ron Ulseth gave a brief presentation to a Dynamics class about the IRE curriculum and its benefits. He covered the topics of competencies, professionalism and most importantly the project based learning. The greater portion of questions were taken and responded to after class. Current IRE student and Century College alumni Case Goodyear assisted Ron in responding to any question relating to student satisfaction and personal experiences. Notable question asked of IRE were:

  • ·      What is the tuition?
  • ·      What is the difference between a major and an emphasis?
  • ·      What are the prerequisites?
  • ·      What is project-based learning and how does it differentiated from traditional classroom settings?
  • ·      How do credits transfer?

All questions were answered thoroughly and received positive response from the interested Century College students. Some students were so intrigued that they coordinated to have a personal meeting with Ron to analyze their transcript, such that to strategically plan future classes to best meet the IRE requirements for entry. Tim Grebner had also communicated interest in additional presentations. If interested in attending future recruiting events at Century College, simply follow Century College Engineering Club on Facebook for event updates.
