New equipment soon to arrive in IRE lab

With our new building reaching completion we are anticipating the new lab, and all of the equipment that will be in it next semester. With this new equipment being available to use, the constructing and manufacturing of projects and experiments will be able to be done in-house. Our lab supervisor is currently in a week-long training and will be qualified for all equipment. Students will be trained as required to run the new equipment.

This is a list of the equipment that will be in our new lab:

FLOW MACH 2 1313B Water jet Cutter

Milltronics RW15 CNC Milling Machine 

Milltonics TL14 CNC Lath 

Hurricane Laser Cutter Model Andrew

Welding Machines
Cutting Machines
Plasma Cutter

Proofread by: Emmy Stage

By: Adam G. and Matt S