Construction Update

It wasn't long ago that Max Grey broke ground at MRCTC (July 16th) at began constructing IRE's new home. Max Grey has done a lot of damage in the past 6 months, putting up new trusses in the clean lab to reinforce the ceiling against the snow, and building the frame of the new IRE building. Here are some photos showing their work:
New trusses have been put up in the clean lab (they are purple in this photo)

Hard hats past this point! a look into the inside of the building from the adjacent hallway

 The south side of the building

The west side of the construction zone

 Project room on the first floor

 Two project rooms on the first floor

 Looking at the mechanical closet on the second floor

 Looking at the modeling lab from the second floor

Heater working overtime to help cure the concrete

Start counting the days to the finish of IRE's new home! January 14th is when the next semester starts, and we plan on moving in.