SWIEIT Speakers’ Visit – Ascham Girls High School, 25 October

The SWIEIT Speakers team of Parinaz Bilimoria (BBus/BScIT) and Santi Botross (BEngDipEngPrac- civil/environmental) visited Ascham Girls High School in Edgecliff to speak to the Year 11 cohort about Engineering and IT at UTS. These two female speakers from Engineering and IT shared stories about their curiosity for these fields from a young age, as well as their ongoing interests throughout their university studies.

Parinaz gave an insight into her life as an IT student at UTS, sharing with the girls her exciting personal experiences of studying and working in the field of information technology, including a stint at Bank of America/Merrill Lynch and Tourism Australia. Santi demonstrated to the students how everyone has been a part of the engineering and IT world by doing a kinaesthetic activity with the students to give students a broader perspective about these fields.

The Year 11 students at Ascham Girls High finished up the session with many intriguing questions for the speakers and some good laughs. The SWIEIT Speakers team would like to extend a big thank you to Ascham Girls High School for hosting a visit. We hope to see you again in 2013.