Construction Update

The expansion that is scheduled to be completed before Spring Semester is coming along rather nicely and is looking good. The walls are up and the brick siding has started to go up as well.

For the last few days the smell of fresh tar being put on the roof has filled the area around the new construction, and the windows and doors of the new building have been covered with plastic to keep the heat from the portable heaters in, so that the workers have a warmer environment to be in while working on the inside of the new building. 

All of us here at IRE are excited to have the new building next semester and all of the perks that come along with it such as the new equipment that will be in the shop, which will make it easier for us to complete our DLA's. Also there will be the added space and dedicated project rooms where we can be more secluded so we can be more productive and have less distractions during the day.

Proofread by: Jeffrey Lange