The interior of new building has finally been completed. Now that the ribbon-cutting ceremony has been completed, the building has been officially opened for use. The machinery has been installed in the machine shop, and the project groups have settled into their project rooms. Here is a short photo tour of the building.
This is the south entrance in the building. Through the wooden door is the machine shop.

Just above the south entrance is a small sitting area.

Here is the wall of commemorative plaques for the first and second groups of students to graduate from the Iron Range Engineering program.

Situated near the west entrance is another plaque that thanks the individuals who helped contribute to the Iron Range Engineering program.
Here is a conference room that is available for all students and mentors to use.
Inside the machine shop are the CNC machine (left) and lathing machine (right).

There is also a water jet cutting machine sitting next to the lathing machine. On the left, the Wikispeed team is working on their vehicle.

Printed on the wall above the machine floor are the sponsors for the new building.