For many of us at Iron Range Engineering, this is our last semester as undergraduate students. What this means is it is time to get ready for the real world, whether it be graduate school, a career in engineering, or a related career. This time is filled with many mixed emotions.
The two that I am experiencing are excitement and anxiety. It is exciting to know that I have made it. What seemed like a giant scary mountain four years ago now seems like a tiny foothill compared to what comes next.
The anxiety comes from the unknown. I know that Iron Range Engineering and my other experiences have prepared me for the real world but there is still a fear of the unknown. On May 20th when I start my first real job, I will have to learn fast. I feel that no school or individual can fully prepare me for every situation that I will face. That being said, I feel that this program has set me up for success; no matter what path I choose to follow.
Grant Roy
Read by: Kali O’Brien