Lunch Speakers

One of the great opportunities IRE students have is to listen to lunch speakers. Engineers working in industry come to IRE to talk about their experiences as an engineer. This is a great way for students to network and get a perspective on what it’s really like to be an engineer. So far this year we have had 2 lunch speakers, both IRE generation 1 graduates. Both of the speakers did a great job on telling about life after IRE. They both also work in mining but have had very different experiences. Lunch speakers also bring the IRE community closer together by having a small group of students make lunch so everybody gets to eat together, catch up, and take a short break from their busy day. By having lunch speakers that work at a variety of companies also let the students know how diverse the engineering world is. We all have the opportunity at some point to talk to industry members, but the lunch speaker program is special because it is time that engineers take to talk to us about their personal experiences. We want to thank all of the past and future lunch speakers that have visited IRE for taking the time to tell us about their everyday experiences.