SWIEIT Speakers' Visit - Randwick Girls High School, 28 June

On 28 June the SWIEIT Speakers team visited Randwick Girls High School. UTS students Ashwini and Tammy spoke about their experiences as university students and the various influences which lead them to pursue studying engineering and IT. Ashwini outlined the transition she made from high school into the workforce and then to studying engineering. Tammy outlined her influences in choosing a career in IT highlighting that her father was an engineer, her interest in coding at a young age after her friend set up a website and the realisation that she wanted to pursue a career which highlighted and complemented her strengths. Ashwini and Tammy both spoke about how both the engineering and IT fields are very extensive, and open up the opportunity to work in diverse roles.

The SWIEIT Speakers team then ran the Engineers Without Borders activity of Floating Houses. The students learnt that in developing countries such as Cambodia many villages are susceptible to flooding and sanitation problems. The students were then tasked with the activity of developing a structure which floated and could hold weight on a limited budget in essence modelling a floating house. The activity was successful with all students designing unique models.

The SWIEIT Speakers team would like to thank Randwick Girls High School for hosting a visit. We look forward to seeing you again in 2014.
