7 Myths about Women & Work

This is a great presentation by longtime Australian Financial Review columnist and author Catherine Fox about what she has identified in her recent book as 'seven myths about women and work'.  She is motivated to gather evidence relating to women's participation and experience in the workforce to better inform public debate and policy, and her discussion is informative - and entertaining!

It was first presented at a Women in Leadership breakfast at Macquarie Uni, and was broadcast on Life Matters on Radio National on April 1, 2013.  It's introduced by show host Natasha Mitchell - who was a former staff member at the Women in Engineering & IT Program at UTS.
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Introduction to Alternating Current

Last time, we studied the first part of Learn Electrical Engineering for Beginners and this is all about DC Circuits. Today, we will be dealing with our Part 2 of our module and this is all about Alternating Current Circuits.

So, you may now start to learn what this ac is and how it behaves. Alternating Current does not flow through a conductor in the same direction as what dc does. Instead, it flows back and forth in the conductor at the regular interval, continually reversing its direction of flow and can do so very quickly. It is measured in amperes, just as dc is measured too. Remember, one couloumb of electrons is passing a given point in a conductor in one second. This definition also applies when ac is flowing- only now some of the electrons during that 1 second flow past the given point going in one direction, and the rest flow past it going in the opposite directions.

Difference between DC and AC

The industrial applications of alternating current are widespread. These include the many types of induction motor, ranging in size employed in wind tunnels and reclamation projects, transformer equipment used in connection with welders and many kinds of control devices, communication systems, and many others.

The advantages of ac generation are, however, apparent when it is recognized that it can be accomplished economically in large power plants where fuel and water are abundant. But nowadays, solar power is becoming popular as power plants through solar panels. Moreover, generators and associated equipment may be large, an important matter in so far as cost per kilowatt is concerned; also transmission over networks of high-voltage lines to distant load centers is entirely practicable.

Transmission Lines to distant load centers

In Part 2 of Learn Electrical Engineering for Beginners, you will study the nature, behavior and uses of time-varying or alternating current. You will study the for the first time two components - the inductor and the capacitor which are frequently used to control direct as well as alternating current and voltage. The resistors, in which we all know acted in such a way as to restrict the flow of current directly. In other words, the bigger the resistor you put in, the more you restrict the current flow. The inductor and the capacitor, on the other hand, act to control the current and voltage in different ways, and you will see that they do depends on how often the current is reversed. These three components - the resistor, inductor and the capacitor are basic elements of electric and electronic circuits.

Resistor, Capacitor and Inductor Behavior in AC Circuits

As of now, you will not understand the meaning of the behavior of the given diagram shown above. But as we started the first topic of AC Circuits on my next post, you will appreciate and understand gradually what really mean by AC Circuits.
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Wheel Pant Access Doors

Nose fairing on top, main faring on bottom
When we presented the changes for the 2013 G5 airplanes to the sales force a few months ago, the gross weight increase was a well received, but the item that got a surprising round of applause from the crowd was the wheel pant access doors.

Previously checking tire pressure and filling with air was done through a round access hole that had a plastic cover on it. This cover was difficult to remove and would even break from time to time. So it was an item we wanted to change but just didn't get around to it.

So in the summer of 2011, I assigned the task to Amanda, who was one of my summer engineering interns. I asked her to research and design a latchable access panel. She did a great job in researching access panels and various options. She drew up some options on the computer, and after a design review we actually built up a version for both the nose and main wheel fairings, that we installed and flew on an experimental airplane.

The feedback from the mechanics and pilots that we had look at the design was great, and we got a good list of changes to make on the next version.

Unfortunately, she had to return to school in the fall, and the project languished a little bit until earlier in 2012, when we were able to pick up where she left off, finish the design, build another set of prototype wheel fairings for flight test. Once that was complete, we were able to coordinate the tooling changes and start delivering this great new feature on the 2013 G5 airplanes.

So what started as a summer intern project, ended up being a great and well received new feature on the airplane. So thanks Amanda.
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Simple Example of Network Analysis

Last time, I have already imparted to you about the theoretical aspects of Network Analysis here in my simple Electrical Engineering educational site. Today, I will just give you some simple example for you to appreciate the last topic I had posted over a year ago. :)

Take a look at the simple electric circuits below. If you have a voltage divider with an external resistance, you could do this by using Ohm' Law and calculating the parallel resistance of R2 and R(Load) and then the voltage divider itself. The simpler method that you can use is the Thevenin's theorem which enables you to calculate quickly the effect of any load.
Simple Circuit using Thevenin's Theorem

Considering you have R(Load) equivalent to 40 ohms is in open circuit condition. We can now calculate the equivalent Thevenin resistance.

R (Thevenin) = R1R2 / R1+R2 = 20X40/ 20+40 = 13.33 ohms.

Also, you can calculate the voltage across R2 at no load using the voltage division method:
E(Thevenin) = Ein R2 / R1+R2 = 20x40 /20+40 = 13.33 Volts

When the resistance load or R(Load) of 40 ohms  is added as shown above, by using Ohms Law for simple series circuits you can now obtain the ouput voltage:

E(Load) = E(Thevenin) x R (Load) / R(Thevenin) + R(Load) = 13.33 x 40/ 13.33+40 = 10 volts - Ans.

Using other method like Norton's Theorem is also a good method to used in this given problem. Now, instead of open circuit condition, let's make it short circuit condition at the load side R(Load).
Simple Circuit Using Norton's Theorem
In this condition, we can calculate the current when R2 is shorted. Let's called it I (Norton):
I (Norton) = Ein / R1 = 20V / 20 Ohms = 1 Ampere

Therefore, the equivalent circuit will comes out like this:

Norton's Equivalent Circuit
From Thevenin's equivalent circuit above for R1 and R2, the parallel combination was computed as 13.33 ohms. We know that the voltage across R(Norton) and R(Load) are the same when R(Load) is connected but the total current is still 1 Ampere.

Let's make an analysis now:

We can get load voltage E (out) in two ways:
1---> E(out) = I1 x R(Norton) = I1 x 13.33
2---> E(out) = I2 x R(Load) = I2 x 40

Then, we can equate the two equations above:
3--->I1 x 13.33=I2 x 40

Using Kirchoff's current law,
I(total) = I1 + I2 = 1 Ampere

We can now solve I1 by substitution method: (Remember, you should used you math technique sometimes to solve particular problems is Electric Circuits)

We can substitute I2 value: I2 = I(total)-I1 or 1- I1 to equation 3.
I1 x 13.33 = (1-I1) 40
I1 = 0.75 Ampere

Since, I(total) is 1 Ampere, therefore I2 = 1-0.75 = 0.25 Ampere
Finally, we can calculate E(out) in either equation 1 or 2 above:

E(out) = I1 x R(Norton) or I2 x R(Load) = 0.25 x 40 = 10 volts - Ans.

The two methods used either Thevenin's or Norton's still have same results obtained. This is the magic of Network Analysis!
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Life After School

When first looking at going to engineering school, four years seems like a long time. But before you know it you're a couple months away from graduation and you look back and wonder where the time went. Many of us are feeling the anticipation of getting done with school and "out into the real world", if we are not there already. I have spent my last 3 months as a full time employee at Cliffs Hibbing Taconite Company, while still in process of finishing my degree. I have two messages to share from my experience- one being how easy the transition was from school to work and two a little reflection of my work life in relation to my school experience.

When coming into my role as a reliability engineer I was scared that I was not going to know anything (even though I had been here the 6 months prior), and I would just look like the typical fresh graduate. I want to tell not only my fellow student colleagues, but also all of the external sight visitors that I am amazed, now being out of the everyday school life, to see that the program sets each of us up very well to be able to perform the problem solving and communication tasks of a real engineering job.

My other message is to take what you learn seriously, I know I didn't do the greatest job of it while I was there, but every experience is an opportunity to learn. And in the first few years on your new job you will be doing a lot of it. I remember saying rather frequently "when am I ever going to use this, and why do I need to know this" and I now realize that although the material may not have always been the most important, the process of learning was. As much as it is not enjoyable to reflect on what you learned and how you learned it, it is something that will be very beneficial down the road.

Another life at work lesson is value every encounter. Every person has the ability to teach you something, and you never know when you may need them someday. So learn to communicate with the technicians, the different types of engineers, the operators, etc... they are the ones that will determine your success as well as the hard work you put in everyday.

So in conclusion, keep at it and value every experience. Whether you are still in school or in industry there is always something to be learned.
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Women in BOC Networking Event

On 14 March, BOC, a leading global gases and engineering company, and Chandler McLeod, a large provider of human resources solutions, hosted a Women working with BOC networking event.

The event was a great opportunity to network with women from BOC and Chandler McLeod as well as a number of women students pursuing a career in engineering, IT and other sectors. The highlight of the evening was a discussion panel with three successful BOC managers. These women shared their experiences in the company in terms of engagement, career opportunities, mentoring, working conditions, parental leave and flexible working arrangements.

One of the speakers was a young manager - Kate. Kate has secured a position at BOC after completing the BOC Graduate Development Program. Kate shared her passion for the industry and how she has seen real possibilities for women to move up in an industry traditionally dominated by men. She said that she was reading a BOC magazine featuring top managers in the company and realised they were all men. She then turned to the Master of Ceremonies and said: “I would like to change that”.

I was impressed by the structure of BOC‘s graduate development program, where this year, a large number of participants are women. Each graduate is assigned a mentor from BOC who helps with the learning experience and with any difficulty arising. The mentor also discusses topics like career paths with the graduate.

BOC seems to be genuinely interested in supporting women in engineering and IT so I suggest its worth checking out their graduate program!

By Maritza Messina, Industry Liaison Manager, Industry Partnering Unit, FEIT

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Fuel Return Line Service Bulletin

We had a couple of reports of the fuel return lines that pass through the TKS tanks in the wings experiencing some corrosion and leaking small amounts of fuel into the TKS tank. It was initially noticed due to blue staining at the vent for the TKS fluid. When the fuel lines were inspected there was some noticable pitting on the tube and when put under pressure caused some leaking.

Fuel return line

Typical Pitting
 To solve this problem, we recently released Service Bulletin SB2X-28-11 which installs a new anodized fuel return line and then covers the line with sealant after installation.

Sealed Fuel Return Line
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International Women's Day Launch - Cocktail Evening

Engineers Australia - Women in Engineering Sydney Division celebrated International Women’s Day on Thursday 7 March 2013. Engineers Australia invited members and guests for a Cocktail Evening at the Shelbourne Hotel. The night kicked off with some inspiring speakers, mother and daughter team of Dr Catherine Killen; UTS academic in the field of innovation engineering,and Annabel Killen who both spoke about their personal journeys and experiences working in the field of engineering. 

Dr Catherine Killen provided great insight into her motivations which lead her to become a mechanical engineer and followed on by conveying her experiences on being the only female engineer at that time within the firm she was employed at. Annabel Killen spoke of her experiences as a Roads and Maritime Services (formerly RTA) scholar and then about her experiences of working at Evans and Peck consultancy. The evening was a great success, with students and professionals participating in the International Women’s Day celebrations and gaining valuable insight into the real experiences of women initiating change in the engineering profession.

This particular event was inspiring as I am a young engineering student myself. Coming from a background where engineering as a profession was not considered, in family and schooling to being in a room full of 50 or so women who have gone on to achieve amazing and exciting endeavours, was a truly invaluable experience. Being the youngest attendee, I met many current university students and many graduates who had secured astonishing graduate programs in their field. Throughout the night, I met inspirational women from all walks of life and those who had held reputable positions. Listening to the speeches of Dr Catherine Killen and Annabel Killen, it was inspiring to see the change of "women in engineering" from one generation to the next. It made me realise how significant this change was, right now, and that I am a part of this transition. Speaking with Dr Catherine Killen and about her background, I had realised that we were very similar, despite the generation gap, and I hope to go on to achieve an astonishing career. 

The night went on with a warm buzz amongst the general chatter and delish food. It was unfortunate that the night ended too quickly. Meeting inspirational women from various fields of engineering and who have achieved remarkable success, in a time where society and their gender outnumbers them. The main lesson I had learned from the cocktail event was to not be afraid to put yourself out there amongst strangers. You have nothing to lose and the only person holding you back is yourself! Network as much as you can to those who share your passion for engineering. Meet with people from all walks of life and you never know where it can take you. 

As reported by Harshaa Raha, 2012 Sydney Wie Division Scholar and Civil/Environmental Engineering student at the University of Technology, Sydney and Elizabeth Si, 2011 UTS Women in Engineering Scholar and Biomedical Engineering student at the University of Technology, Sydney

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IRE WIKISPEED team members visited the main WIKISPEED shop in Seattle last week. Team members Adam Geisler, Nate Quinn, Matt Sjostrand, and Dan Marshall, along with mentors Jim Boyd and Dan Ewert learned firsthand from volunteers at WIKI headquarters. The group came back with information that will help us on the design and building of our car. We looked at different components of the car including the steering and suspension so that we know how to set it up with our car. The IRE team helped the volunteers at the WIKI shop with the layup of the interior module of the car that consisted of fiberglass, fiberglass mat, a honeycomb board for support, and carbon fiber. Below is part of the group taking the interior module out of the mold.The IRE WIKI team currently has a rolling chassis in the new shop and bought a wrecked Honda Civic for the motor and was finished being torn down earlier this week.

Proofread by: Elizabeth McBride
Posted by: Matt Sjostrand 

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UTSpeaks - Women at the Summit Event

You can now view this event at

Will Australia deliver on women in leadership?

When will we see equal opportunity for women to lead in business and the community? World-wide there is growing pressure for increasing the participation of women in leadership.
Seven countries have now adopted mandatory regulation to ensure greater participation of women at company board level. Will Australia's voluntary approach match this international progress?

Featuring influential and insightful panellists, this provocative Q&A forum will explore the issue of women participating at the highest levels of endeavour and leadership. Be sure to add your voice to a debate that will ultimately determine when women finally break through the glass ceiling.

Introduced by Professor Thomas Clarke & Alice Klettner, UTS Centre for Corporate Governance and lead researchers for the Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s 2012 Australian Census of Women in Leadership.

Moderated by Deborah Cameron
Broadcast journalist, community relations specialist and facilitator, Deb Cameron is inspired by the cause of growing women in leadership.

Claire Braund, Executive Director of Women on Boards
Elizabeth Bryan, Chairman, Caltex Australia Ltd
Verity Firth, Chief Executive Officer, Public Education Foundation Ltd
Judith Fox, Policy Director, Chartered Secretaries Australia
Christine Holgate, CEO & Managing Director, BLACKMORES

Date: Wednesday 6 March, 2013
UTSPEAKS: is a free public lecture series presented by UTS experts discussing a range of important issues confronting contemporary Australia, proudly supported by the UTS Union

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Rocket Igniter Design

There have been a few questions on how the ignition system for the new 3600lb rocket works, but first a little design history. At the beginning of the gross weight increase project, we knew we were going to have to increase the size and likely the weight of the parachute. This necessitated a design change to the rocket to also make it bigger and more powerful to pull that heavier parachute out of the bucket.

As we began to look into the size and placement of the rocket it quickly became apparent that there just wasn't enough room to fit the new rocket in there. The existing percussive ignition system located at the bottom of the rocket takes up quite a bit of room, so there was nowhere for the new rocket to really grow.

Original Rocket and Igniter Installation
By going to an electric ignition system, we could significantly shorten the ignition portion of the system, and allow for a taller rocket. Going to this electric ignition system also allows us to go to a top down ignition which improves the ignition sequence of the propellant especially for longer rockets.

New Rocket and Igniter
So now that we had a design that would physically fit into the bucket, we now had to consider several other design criteria. We wanted the ignition sequence from the pilots perspective to be the same. Thus we wanted to keep the same red handle, and the same firm pull required from the existing system. To do this, we kept the handle and the cable exactly the same, and the cable leads to a mechanical switch at the rocket, exactly as in the existing system. The cable is electrically isolated from the switch to prevent the possibility of induced current in the cable during a lighting strike from igniting the rocket.

Mechanical Switch
The mechanical switch works the same was as the existing design in that the activation cable pulls down on the plunger compressing the spring until the ball bearings are released and the plunger makes contact with the gold plated connectors and completes the circuit.

So with the rocket in the bucket, and the handle and cable design set, we could focus on the electrical connection. The electrical connection to the mechanical switch had to come from dual sources for redundancy and be "always on" no matter what state the alternators, bolster panel switches, or circuit breakers were in.

This led us to design the system to tie directly to the two batteries. Battery 1 at the front of the airplane and Battery 2 which is actually just below the rocket. Separate harnesses come directly from both batteries and attach to the mechanical switch. When the red handle is pulled, the mechanical switch is triggered which closes the circuit and ignites the rocket.
Rocket Wiring
From the switch, we have to get the electricity to the top of the rocket where the igniter is. There also needs to be a way to separate the rocket from the wiring after the rocket is launched. This is done through the use of a frangible link.

Electrical Connections at the Top of the Rocket

The igniter at the top of the rocket contains a squib that is used to ignite the rocket. The squib is installed inside the igniter body which protects the squib from damage during the extraction sequence. This squib requires 10 amps for 10 milliseconds to fire. It is not susceptible to static electricity and it is protected from direct and indirect lightning.

Squib Body After Testing

So what started as a "simple" problem of fitting a larger rocket into the bucket, became a much more involved design change. The resulting design however is extremely robust and reliable just like its predecessor.
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On Thursday, February 28th, ten IRE students and two instructors toured the facilities of Bendtec, a pipe bending and manufacturing company in Duluth, MN that has been in operation for over 90 years.  The students were taking competencies in either Mechanics of Materials or Materials Science, and this was a great opportunity to see some of the theories and applications of each subject up close and personal.  The facilities were impressive due to their sheer size.  The students were briefed on a number of interesting facts about the company, including its history, the breadth of services performed, industries served, and technologies developed.  What I found most useful as a student was to see some real world applications of what I have been learning about in materials science.  Viewing a tensile strength test in person, as well as seeing the stress-strain curve generated by an accompanying computer program did a fantastic job integrating theoretical knowledge and practical application.  At another lab station, students were able to view grain boundaries and the structure of a weld under a scanning electron microscope.  Other points of interest on the tour included Bendtec’s systems for heating and cooling metals to change their material properties, their sandblasting room able to accommodate pieces up to 66 inches in diameter, and their machines that actually bend pipe of that size.  Equally interesting was to hear one of the project managers and the company’s owner express great interest in the Iron Range Engineering program.  The emphasis on hands on learning, professional development, leadership, and communications drew high praises from both.  
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