Women in Engineering Winter Gala Dinner 2012

To celebrate the conclusion of Engineering Week, the Sydney division of Engineers Australia invited women from all over Sydney and surrounds to join them for their annual Women in Engineering Winter Gala Dinner. On 11 August 2012, several representatives of the UTS Women in Engineering and IT Program attended this spectacular black tie event. This year, the Winter Gala Dinner was held at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Circular Quay, with stunning views of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. After being greeted by waiters holding trays of drinks and told where we were sitting, we got an opportunity to mingle and appreciate the balcony view, as well as everyone’s extravagant clothing! A wonderful three course dinner was served, interspersed with speeches by the two guest speakers. 

First to talk was Sandra Triulzi, who is the National Diversity Manager at Abigroup. Sandra spoke about her experiences and about some of the things she has learnt over the years working as a female in a male dominated industry. One of her more prominent points was the need for there to be an industry wide paradigm shift away from emphasis on the ideal employee towards being an ideal employer.
The second presenter was the guest of honour, Professor Mary O’Kane, NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer. It was a truly special experience hearing Mary's address, which touched on many keen issues that affect women in non-traditional fields today. Everyone wanted a photo with Mary afterwards as a souvenir to remember her inspirational words. 
At the close of the speeches section of the event, everyone was encouraged to stay for tea and coffee and enjoy the venue. The night was relaxing and tasteful, and I can’t wait to attend again next year!

 WiE&IT Staff with Professor Mary O'Kane, NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer
