Epic Month of SWIEIT Speaker Visits in Sydney

The Sydney Women in Engineering & IT Speakers Program has broken a new record, speaking to over 500 high school girls in years 9-12 throughout the month of May. The visits held at nine different schools around the Sydney region included, St Scholastica's College Glebe, Cheltenham Girls High School, Moorefield Girls High School Kogarah, Al Amanah College Liverpool, Roseville College, Catherine McAuley Westmead, Hurlstone Agricultural High School, Glenwood High School and Loreto Normanhurst. 

SWIEIT Speaker teams of UTS female students shared their own story with high school girls and answered their questions about engineering and IT in an informal atmosphere as well as talk about senior subject selection and pathways into engineering and IT. We even had the opportunity to take along some of our robot friends and explain that they were actually built by Year 10 students in January 2012 as part of the U@UTS summer school. On the visits, female students were able to identify the robotic sensors as well as think about areas in society where sensors and engineering innovations are used. 

We would like to warmly thank Careers Advisors, Mathematics and Science teachers at the schools listed above for allowing us to inspire your students. We were warmly welcomed and look forward to visiting you all again soon. 

The Sydney Women in Engineering & IT Speakers Program is an ongoing initiative between the University of Technology Sydney and industry partners GHD and Roads and Maritime Services NSW.   
