SWIEIT Visit - Cheltenham Girls High School

The team from the Sydney Women in Engineering & IT Speakers Program paid a visit to Cheltenham Girls High School on Wednesday afternoon, to speak to the Year 11 girls at their form assembly. UTS scholars, Sijjal (ICT - Telecommunications) and Rochelle (Information Technology) spoke about their interests and experiences in high school which led them to pursue further studies in their respective areas and many other opportunities at university. The girls were very appreciative of the SWIEIT speakers' stories; and for many, their understanding of the dynamic fields of engineering and IT were brought to a higher level.

Thanks to Careers Adviser Ms Van Es for organising the visit, and the SWIEIT team (Sijjal, Rochelle, Shellee and Karen) for taking the time to talk to the girls. We look forward to returning sometime in the near future to speak to the Year 12 girls! http://img.ezinemark.com/imagemanager2/files/30004252/2011/11/E10.jpg