Air Conditioning Washers

After solving previous air conditioning problems with a bearing and hub redesign as I outlined in this this blog post, we discovered last year that some of the new washers that were being used on the new hub assembly were failing. They would split or break and eventually fall off. Fortunately due to the new design of the 3 piece bushing/washer, this was not causing any permanent damage to the air conditioning system, but it definately is a nuisance issue.

After working with the vendor to investigate the problem, it was determined that the washer being used was not quite up to the temperatures in that area. New silicone washers (21119-112) have been designed and tested and should be available soon are available now. Until then it is recommended that you check these washers regularly and replace them as necessary.

New washers
Keep in mind that there are now 2 different hub assemblies out there and that this particular washer issue only applies to the new hub assembly. The solution I talked about back in 2010 applies to the original hubs which were replaced in late 2010 by these new hubs.

Hub Assembly with Missing Washers
Updated 4/26/12 to say that the new washers are available.
Updated 5/14/12 with the Cirrus part number and a picture of the new washers.