Flap Relay Winter Update

I just realized that it has been 6 months since I last updated everyone on the flap relay redesign progress. Unfortunately things slowed down quite a bit in the fall. We put together a drawing and requirements package and sent that out to several potential manufacturers. We chose a vendor to build some pre-production parts but then further discussions with them led us to choose a different vendor.

This latest vendor has given us some great suggestions for packaging and design changes to lower the production costs yet make it more robust. So we expect to get 4 pre-production samples in early February for evaluation and to prove out their production methods.

The prototype unit continues to be used in one of the experimental airplanes with no issues. We are now hoping for a late Q1 release of the new flap relays. http://img.ezinemark.com/imagemanager2/files/30004252/2011/11/E10.jpg