Girl Geek Dinner : Continuing on Computing Ideas Through the Ages - How Nerdy Women Help Each Other and More

This June, geeky girls over three generations gathered at the Atlassian office in Sydney city- all anticipating a night of great ideas about engineering and IT with delicious pasta, drinks and chocolate. The first speaker, Peggy Kuo, a developer at Atlassian, shared with us various tips on how to make websites extra 'shiny'. By using HTML5 to give the site structure and content, then further polishing it with CSS3, websites become...
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Best Foot Forward Career Skills Workshop: Writing Effective Applications

In the WiE&IT office, we know that applying for internships or graduate positions can be a daunting and rather overwhelming process. That’s why last week WiE&IT hosted a careers workshop in conjunction with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA). This workshop was aimed at better equipping undergraduate and postgraduate female students...
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3rd Seat Retrofit

The question of retrofitting existing airplanes with the new seat comes up a lot. I discussed the large amount of effort and design changes that went into the new seat in previous blog posts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), but let me try to sum it up retrofitting a bit more clearly. There are two main ideas that get floated to me.3rd belt in the pre MY2012 rear seat:The biggest hurdle to just adding another belt to the older back seat...
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NTSB Forum Follow Up

NTSB Board members top row, my new aircraft design and certification panel at bottomThe forum held last week that I discussed in this post was very good. I was able to attend 7 of the 8 sessions and the speakers and topics were all very good. It is frustrating that the GA safety record has not improved over the years. One thing that came...
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Engineers Australia - Women striving for Leadership Panel Discussion

Our friends at the Sydney Wie Division-Engineers Australia recently hosted a 'Women striving for Leadership' panel discussion on Thursday 21 June from 6pm at Rydges Hotel, World Square Sydney. Guest Speakers included Dr Marlene Kanga, Chemical Engineer and most importantly upcoming 2013 National President of Engineers Australia, the peak...
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NTSB GA Safety Forum

Next week the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) will be holding a 2 day forum about GA safety. Titled "General Aviation Safety: Climbing to the Next Level", the forum "will address emerging safety issues in the general aviation (GA) community. The goals of the forum are: (1) to raise awareness of the GA accident rate and associated...
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Epic Month of SWIEIT Speaker Visits in Sydney

The Sydney Women in Engineering & IT Speakers Program has broken a new record, speaking to over 500 high school girls in years 9-12 throughout the month of May. The visits held at nine different schools around the Sydney region included, St Scholastica's College Glebe, Cheltenham Girls High School, Moorefield Girls High School Kogarah,...
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